DB and DBMaker

MapDB is pluggable like Lego. There are two classes that act like the glue between the different pieces, namely the DBMaker and the DB classes.

The DBMaker class handles database configuration, creation and opening. MapDB has several modes and configuration options. Most of those can be set using this class.

A DB instance represents an opened database (or a single transaction session). It can be used to create and open collection storages. It can also handle the database’s lifecycle with methods such as commit(), rollback() and close().

To open (or create) a store, use one of the many *DB static method such as DBMaker.fileDB(). MapDB has more formats and modes, whereby each xxxDB() uses different modes: memoryDB() opens an in-memory database backed by a byte[] array, appendFileDB() opens a database which uses append-only log files and so on.

A xxxDB() method is followed by one or several configuration options and finally a make() method which applies all options, opens the selected storage and returns a DB object. This example opens a file storage with encryption enabled:

DB db = DBMaker
        //TODO encryption API

Open and create collection

Once you have DB you may open a collection or other record. DB uses builder style configuration. It starts with type of collection (hashMap, treeSet…) and name, followed by configuration is applied and finally by operation indicator

This example opens (or creates new) TreeSet named ‘example’

NavigableSet treeSet = db.treeSet("example").createOrOpen();

You could also apply additional configuration:

NavigableSet<String> treeSet = db

The builder can end with three different methods:

DB is not limited to collections, but creates other type of records such as Atomic Records:

Atomic.Var<Person> var = db.atomicVar("mainPerson",Person.SERIALIZER).createOrOpen();


DB has methods to handle a transaction lifecycle: commit(), rollback() and close().

One DB object represents single transaction. The example above uses single global transaction per store, which is sufficient for some usages:

ConcurrentNavigableMap<Integer,String> map = db
        .treeMap("collectionName", Serializer.INTEGER, Serializer.STRING)

//map.keySet() is now [1,2] even before commit

db.commit();  //persist changes into disk

//map.keySet() is now [1,2,3]
db.rollback(); //revert recent changes
//map.keySet() is now [1,2]
